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Haiti Lock Down...Day 11


Good Morning!! I wanted to take a minute and give you an update about what we're personally experiencing here in Haiti. By NO means am I speaking for anyone else (I have no right, or grounds to do that). I can only speak to our own personal experiences. I felt that the video above did a pretty good job explaining the situation. This was made before the Prime Minister spoke last night to the nation and gave some very hopeful strategies for change.

Over the past 11 days, Haiti has been in "Lock Down." Many of you are starting to see the reports of what is going on in the country. Port au Prince, the nation's capital along with other hotspots around the country have been protesting in the streets, barricading main roads, and demanding change. Whenever things like this happen, anywhere in the world, there are those who take it to the extreme and cause violence.

With that said, if we didn't have social media, messaging apps and internet, we wouldn't know that anything was different based on where we are at. As long as we stay off the roads and don't leave our local area, we have felt zero physical threat of danger. It has been difficult for us as a family to justify staying here in country because many other expats (ex-patriots/missionaries, etc.) are leaving, our families back in the States are fearful for our safety, the kids have anxiety from this past November and the US Embassy even "advises U.S. citizens in Haiti to strongly consider departing as soon as they safely can do so." We've actually felt quite a bit of pressure to leave. And honestly, if we were in a different frame of mind, like we were in November, we would have already left. However, it is even more difficult for us to justify leaving right now. It is impossible for our family to make it to the airport via the road, so we would have to charter a helicopter evacuation, which is very expensive. We still have food, drinking water and propane to cook. We are in a positive place mentally and emotionally. All four of the other expat organizations in our area are still here. Our local community has been nothing but encouraging and supportive of us being here. We have peace.

We are very thankful for all of the prayers, and we are continuing to evaluate our situation daily...if not multiple times a day. Things in Haiti can change quickly. This all started rather quickly, and in the past, it has died down quickly. This has gone on longer than any of us imagined, but we still feel peace with our decision to stay at this point. We have been in constant contact with our leadership team in the States and have plans for evacuation if necessary.

The economic and political crisis in Haiti is REAL. There is real danger. There is a shortage of food, gas and drinking water in many areas and the price of those things are increasing daily. But, please don't simply believe everything you see or hear in the public media. Trust that those living here are making the best decision for their family with the circumstances that they are personally facing. This has nothing to do with a lack of faith, or who is the "stronger" missionary. Everyone who has chosen to leave did so with very heavy hearts and did not make the decision lightly. And that may still be our eventual outcome. But for now, we continue to "shelter in place" and wait this out, praying for positive change. And soon.


Bercy, HAITI

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