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Family Updates...


Where to begin...

More and more I struggle with whether or not to even send out updates. We have said all along that we are just a "normal" family, living in a different country. (I mean, what's "normal?") The reason we started doing monthly updates was mainly for the people who had invested in us financially. We wanted them to be sure that their money was being used wisely and that they could see the fruit of their investment. As I have time to sit and think about life for us and for our kids, I know that it is different than many of you, but it is hard for me to see the value in sharing our monthly highlights with you. Any "normal" family would maybe send out a Christmas letter each year, or if you're friends, you would follow along and keep in touch with them on Facebook or through email. How many of you send out monthly updates to all of your friends, family and those you "kinda know?" Each time I sit down to type a new update, I am starting to feel like I'm saying, "look at us...look at what we're doing." But - that is exactly what we didn't want to do. We don't want to lift up our family, or make it seem like what we are doing is any better or more important that what any of you are doing all around the world. There are many days that I ask myself, "What are we doing here? Are we really making a difference?" But these are questions that I think we should all be asking matter where we live. There are also times when I have thoughts or stories that I want to share, or things that I'm learning that I need to write down so I remember. I will be doing that here on our blog. So feel free to check in here as you think about it. By no means does this mean that we don't appreciate all of you. We LOVE hearing from you and we are so thankful for everyone who encourages us and keeps in touch. It does get lonely down here! We're just going to take a step back and try to feel a little more "normal" like all of you :)


Bercy, HAITI

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