The most difficult thing for me about living in Haiti is probably not what you would think. It's not the lack of convenience, or catching rain water for showers. It's not the piles of dust that accumulate on everything during dry season, including our lungs. It's not the HOT sun, or even the many cultural frustrations.
The hardest thing for me is missing the moments with my family. Especially when everyone is together during the holidays. I miss seeing my neices and nephews grow up...take their first steps and hear their first words. I miss sitting around playing games and laughing with my brothers and sisters. I miss sitting on the couch with my mom and dad while we watch football.
But nothing could change the peace that I have in my heart knowing that our family is right where we are supposed to be. Sometimes God asks us to give something up to follow Him. We have to trust Him. Yes, it can be difficult and our hearts hurt when we are far from our family and friends, but it is worth it. God is pouring out His blessings here in Haiti and we can't help but give Him the glory!

La Gonave, Haiti - October 2015
I thank God for the beauty of this country. I stand up on my roof and to one side, I look out over the Caribbean sea and to the other I see mountains. Every morning I listen to the kids chatting and singing as they walk to school and every evening we sit and watch the beautiful sun set and feel the cool breeze blow in. There is pain and poverty and need everywhere you go, but if you choose to look beyond, you'll find God's beauty in the people and creation around you.
I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to raise our kids here. They are so blessed to see life through a completely different lens. They see real need. They see God provide and answer prayer. They live simply. They don't cherish "things." They are so generous. They love well. They have the chance to see what really matters in life and see the importance of relationships.
I'm thankful that on those days when I'm tired, frustrated and missing the luxuries of life back in the States, God speaks clearly and gives me something special. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He gives encouragement through Scripture, worship songs, and even some of YOU! There are distractions here just like there are distractions back in Indiana, just different. But God is faithful to speak when we are faithful to listen.
God is challenging me to continue this mindset of "thanksgiving." We all have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we get stuck looking at the hard parts of life and we miss all the blessings, big and small that God puts right in front of us. It used to seem silly, but now it is not unusual for us to thank God for our moto starting, for having enough water to shower or that our power lasted all night without needing to start the generator. God wants to be a part of our life. We just need to let Him in. Saying thanks is just one simple way.