As the days move on, our excitement and anticipation grows. We have now passed the 50% mark in our fundraising and are currently sitting at 55%! When Craig and I first accepted the request for our family to move to Haiti, we bargained with God..."As long as we don't have to raise support..." Going around asking people for money was not something we wanted to do. We knew that we'd be raising support for the orphanage, and we really didn't want to have to ask people to support our family as well. Well, God answered by allowing Craig to continue working here in Haiti for the company he has worked for over the past 12 years.
Let me tell you, asking people to put their confidence AND money into you and your family is a HUMBLING thing. Can I be completely honest?? I get nervous just posting or sending emails about money. We are independent people. We like to be able to do things for's not easy to admit to needing and letting others help. However, many friends, family and mentors continue to tell us that there are so many people out there who love the opportunity to be a part of something even if they are not able to be there physically. By financially supporting our work, they are giving part of themselves in a way that they can at that time. Not everyone can or is called to leave the life they are living to move to a foreign land. Some are called to support those who are called to go. Support them with prayer, encouragement....and yes, even finances.

So here's our next step...
Now that we've passed our 50% mark for our monthly support, we need to start planning for our one-time expenses of staying. Here's the deal - the couple who moved here in October to manage and train on the aquaponics system at the orphanage have been planning to move into our house here in Haiti. They moved in October, and we planned to overlap with them for three months to help them transition. Now that we will be staying in country, we need another house. When you rent a house here on La Gonave, you are basically just renting the shell...nothing more. So, we need to purchase solar panels, inverter, batteries, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, furniture, water tank, pump etc. for the second house.
Some of you are unable to give monthly, but we're wondering if we might be able to find 150 people to choose a number from the chart below and give a one-time gift of that amount? If we are successful at finding people to take each of these numbers, we feel that we will have enough to purchase everything that we need.
Could you skip a meal out or a few Starbucks drinks this month to help us out? We really appreicate any amount you can give. Please just let me know in the comments or via email what number(s) you would like and then you can send your payment via PayPal by clicking here. THANK YOU!!!